Category: All Shows

Late Night Linux – Episode 92


Will reminisces about netbooks, Joe has a new Pinebook Pro, Facebook’s complex morals, Bountysource worries the community, and KDE Korner.



Facebook did a bad thing to do a good thing

Bountysource was going to change its terms so it could keep unclaimed bounties but then backtracked

Xfce considers leaving



If you are a patron, ask us anything sensible and we might answer your question on a future episode.


Linux hardware – old and new

Joe talks about his new Pinebook Pro, and after Will read an article about netbooks, we have a nostalgic look back to those good old days.


KDE Korner

Plasma 5.19: A more Polished Plasma which wasn’t (Updated Wallet… broke it… then later that day fixed it) so they polished it again

KDE Plasma is Switching to a Windows-style Icon-only Task Bar

Krita 4.3 with good features video & overall KDE apps in the Windows store (no Krita numbers)




Digital Ocean

This episode is sponsored by Digital Ocean. Go to and get started with $50 of credit. Digital Ocean provides virtual private servers all over the world with full root access starting at $5 per month, and other great features like block storage and load balancers.



This episode is sponsored by Lernard. Sign up at and upgrade with the code latenightlinux to get exclusive free access to a beta of a new devops training site called Lernard.




See our contact page for ways to get in touch.

RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here

Late Night Linux – Episode 91


Linux audio tips, upgrade vs nuke and pave, smartwatches, a new Raspberry Pi, Microsoft and Mint drama, and the shortest KDE Korner ever.



8GB Raspberry Pi 4 on sale now at $75

Raspberry Pi OS (64 bit) beta test version

Ubuntu 20.10 desktop might be officially supported on the Pi

Mint not keen on snaps

AppGet ‘really helped us,’ Microsoft says, but offers no apology to dev for killing open-source package manager



If you are a patron, ask us anything sensible and we might answer your question on a future episode.

Joe on Linux Spotlight

Joe on Ubuntu Podcast


Ask us anything sensible

We answered some of your questions about upgrading vs reinstalling, smartwatches, and audio on Linux.


KDE Korner

Plasma Mobile Update & How To Try It On Your Desktop

Nvidia Wayland & KDE



Digital Ocean

This episode is sponsored by Digital Ocean. Go to and get started with $50 of credit. Digital Ocean provides virtual private servers all over the world with full root access starting at $5 per month, and other great features like block storage and load balancers.



This episode is sponsored by Entroware. They are a UK-based company who sells computers with Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE preinstalled. They have configurable laptops, desktops and servers to suit a wide range of Linux users. Check them out and don’t forget to mention us at checkout if you buy one of their great machines.




See our contact page for ways to get in touch.

RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here

Late Night Linux – Episode 90


The deeper implications of all of Microsoft’s recent announcements, good news for Munich, GNOME, and KDE, and mixed news for VR on Linux.



LiMux is back

Patent case against GNOME resolved

Half-Life: Alyx Update Adds Native Linux Support, Vulkan Rendering

OAuth sign-in with Gmail enabled again in KMail and Kontact



If you are a patron, ask us anything sensible and we might answer your question on a future episode.


Microsoft ❤️ Linux

Having admitted that they were on the wrong side of open source history, MS extends WSL2 Support with DirectX to come (more), embraces the terminal and package manager, and Extinguishes the MauiKit name (like before) but it’s OK “it went through legal”.

Nice article by original bug author

They’ve also open sourced some useless old guff.




Digital Ocean

This episode is sponsored by Digital Ocean. Go to and get started with $50 of credit. Digital Ocean provides virtual private servers all over the world with full root access starting at $5 per month, and other great features like block storage and load balancers.



This episode is sponsored by Entroware. They are a UK-based company who sells computers with Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE preinstalled. They have configurable laptops, desktops and servers to suit a wide range of Linux users. Check them out and don’t forget to mention us at checkout if you buy one of their great machines.





See our contact page for ways to get in touch.

RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here

Late Night Linux – Episode 89


Good news for Linux phones and Raspberry Pi users, an embarrassing security incident, Keybase bought by Zoom, KDE Korner, some feedback, and more.



Check out Joe’s other podcasts The New Show with Daniel Foré and Alan Pope, and 2.5 Admins with Jim Salter and Allan Jude.



/e/ Partners With Fairphone

postmarketOS now boots on over 200 Linux phones and tablets

SaltStack authorization bypass

Raspberry Pi announces $50 12-megapixel camera with interchangeable lenses

RetroPie 4.6 released with Raspberry Pi 4 support

Keybase joins Zoom



If you are a patron, ask us anything sensible and we might answer your question on a future episode.



Ian got in touch to point out that GitLab isn’t quite as open source as we had made out.


KDE Korner

Akademy: Call for Proposals

Ubuntu Studio switching to Plasma and are already making progress

Desktop Plasma on an Android Tablet




Digital Ocean

This episode is sponsored by Digital Ocean. Go to and get started with $50 of credit. Digital Ocean provides virtual private servers all over the world with full root access starting at $5 per month, and other great features like block storage and load balancers.



ScholarPack are the third largest supplier of Management Information Systems for Schools in the UK. If you’re in the Lincoln Area of the UK, check out their careers page at





See our contact page for ways to get in touch.

RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here

Late Night Linux – Episode 88


Ubuntu 20.04 LTS has been released so we have a good look at the distro that will be around for 10 years. Plus good news for email, relative stability for Debian, GitHub’s power move, and loads of KDE developments in the news.


Two new podcasts

Joe has been busy over the last couple of weeks and has launched The New Show with Daniel Foré and Alan Pope, and 2.5 Admins with Jim Salter and Allan Jude.


Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS arrives

What’s new in Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS?

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Official Flavors Released, Here’s What’s New



Check out episode 6 of Late Night Linux Extra with Michael Hall and subscribe to the all episodes feed.

If you are a patron, ask us anything sensible and we might answer your question on a future LNL Extra episode.



ProtonMail Bridge is now open source

All ProtonMail apps are now open source, as Android joins the list!

Debian Project Leader Election 2020 Results

GitHub is now free for teams


KDE Korner

KWinFT & Reaction

Qt 6 this year

Browser plugin update & Brave support coming

New site and a nice walk through time and the rationale behind it

20.04 Apps, KDEnlive



Digital Ocean

This episode is sponsored by Digital Ocean. Go to and get started with $50 of credit. Digital Ocean provides virtual private servers all over the world with full root access starting at $5 per month, and other great features like block storage and load balancers.



This episode is sponsored by Entroware. They are a UK-based company who sells computers with Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE preinstalled. They have configurable laptops, desktops and servers to suit a wide range of Linux users. Check them out and don’t forget to mention us at checkout if you buy one of their great machines.





See our contact page for ways to get in touch.

RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here


Late Night Linux Extra – Episode 06


LNL Extra is back! Joe is joined by Michael Hall to talk about his experiences of converting conferences to online events.


Check out Michael’s blog post about the subject here and follow him on Twitter and visit his website.




See our contact page for ways to get in touch.



See the RSS Feeds page for ways to subscribe to the show.

Late Night Linux – Episode 87


It’s been a busy couple of weeks in the news including good news for UBports, changes to Firefox, Microsoft’s new LSM, potentially bad news for KDE, and more.


Keep an eye on the All Episodes Feed for upcoming episodes of Late Night Linux Extra



PinePhone UBports Community Edition Pre-orders are Open

PINEPHONE – “Community Edition: UBports” Limited Edition Linux SmartPhone

Ubuntu Touch Q&A 72: Foundation & Volla News

Latest Firefox updates address bar, making search easier than ever

Mozilla installs Scheduled Telemetry Task on Windows with Firefox 75

Firefox now 3rd most popular browser behind Chrome and Edge

Mozilla goes back to Mitchell Baker as CEO

Paul Cormier takes over as Red Hat CEO, as Jim Whitehurst moves to IBM

Google and Apple launching coronavirus contact-tracing system for iOS and Android

Windows 10 is getting Linux files integration in File Explorer

Microsoft announce a new Linux Security Module called IPE


KDE Korner

KDE on Instagram

February/March in KDE Itinerary

Maui Project

Qt offering changes 2020

#1: Qt, Open Source and corona

#2: Qt, Open Source and corona

Qt and Open Source


Digital Ocean

This episode is sponsored by Digital Ocean. Go to and get started with $50 of credit. Digital Ocean provides virtual private servers all over the world with full root access starting at $5 per month, and other great features like block storage and load balancers.





See our contact page for ways to get in touch.

RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here

Late Night Linux – Episode 86


The impacts of Coronovirus on Linux and open source, KDE Korner, and whether we are seeing the second big split in the FOSS world.


Linux and the virus

We mention that FOSS Talk Live 2020 is cancelled and talk about how Linux and FOSS will be affected by current world events.


KDE Korner

Plasma Bigscreen (homepage)

Plasma Video Winner & Apps Winner

Aleix Pol, president of KDE e.V. podcast interview


Linux vs the cloud

Prompted by NASA’s recent AWS mistake, Joe asks if we are living through the second big split in the FOSS world.



Digital Ocean

This episode is sponsored by Digital Ocean. Go to and get started with $50 of credit. Digital Ocean provides virtual private servers all over the world with full root access starting at $5 per month, and other great features like block storage and load balancers.



This episode is sponsored by Entroware. They are a UK-based company who sells computers with Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE preinstalled. They have configurable laptops, desktops and servers to suit a wide range of Linux users. Check them out and don’t forget to mention us at checkout if you buy one of their great machines.





See our contact page for ways to get in touch.

RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feed

Late Night Linux – Episode 85


We try and lighten the mood with a silly new segment. Meanwhile in the news Microsoft makes another open source move, bad news for VR on Linux, and more.



Microsoft’s GitHub buys npm

When Virgin Media said it leaked ‘limited contact info’, it meant p0rno filter requests

Half Life Alyx is released 23rd March, with no Linux support, despite being developed by Valve using Vulkan.

Pinebook Pro pre-orders start March 18th – will ship with Manjaro KDE


KDE Korner

Plasma Mobile

Frameworks 5.68 is out – and Telegram icons sorted finally

Ikona: utilities for wrangling with icons and an icon preview.


Ask Linux

We try a new segment where we shoehorn Linux into otherwise relatively sensible questions.



Digital Ocean

This episode is sponsored by Digital Ocean. Go to and get started with $50 of credit. Digital Ocean provides virtual private servers all over the world with full root access starting at $5 per month, and other great features like block storage and load balancers.





See our contact page for ways to get in touch.

RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feed

Late Night Linux – Episode 84


Is it time to give up on the Linux desktop and concentrate on open source apps? Plus a conundrum for Félim, Raspberry Pi and GTK in the news, and KDE Korner.


FOSS Talk Live 2020

Tickets and info here



GTK website revamp attempting to stake QT

Pi4 Gets Server Ready

A birthday gift: 2GB Raspberry Pi 4 now only $35


Félim spots OpenOffice on YouTube

Félim grapples with whether to tell strangers to use LibreOffice.


Open source apps vs desktops

Should we be concentrating more on open source applications like Krita and rather than obsessing over the desktop. We mentioned the AppCenter For Everyone crowdfunder again.


KDE Korner

Has Gmail/Google Auth Been Fixed – No (refers to this issue) but updates to PIM coming

kTop Seekrit

kItinerary all the things




Digital Ocean

This episode is sponsored by Digital Ocean. Go to and get started with $50 of credit. Digital Ocean provides virtual private servers all over the world with full root access starting at $5 per month, and other great features like block storage and load balancers.



This episode is sponsored by Entroware. They are a UK-based company who sells computers with Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE preinstalled. They have configurable laptops, desktops and servers to suit a wide range of Linux users. Check them out and don’t forget to mention us at checkout if you buy one of their great machines.





See our contact page for ways to get in touch.

RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feed