Author: Joe

2.5 Admins 201: CVEs everywhere


Vulnerabilities in Asus hardware make us think there should be some regulations about what can be sold as a router, a VPN feature that we hadn’t heard of is removed from Windows, and why we don’t believe that Microsoft will ever take security as seriously as they claim.



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High-severity vulnerabilities affect a wide range of Asus router models

Dear Asus router user: You’ve been pwned, thanks to easily exploited flaw

Microsoft to remove DirectAccess from Windows, recommends switching to Always On VPN

Microsoft fixes hack-me-via-Wi-Fi Windows security hole


Microsoft in damage-control mode, says it will prioritize security over AI

Pluralistic: Microsoft pinky swears that THIS TIME they’ll make security a priority








Tailscale is an easy to deploy, zero-config, no-fuss VPN that allows you to build simple networks across complex infrastructure. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.



Check out the brand new Autonomous IT podcast. Listen in as a variety of experts in the IT Operations space discuss the latest Patch Tuesday releases, mitigation tips, and custom automations to help with CVE remediations. Listen now on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts.







See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


Linux Matters 32: Quick, quicker, quickest


In this episode, we discuss:


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Extended Access Management: Secure every sign-in for every app on every device. Support the show and check it out at



Tailscale makes creating software-defined networks easy: securely connecting users, services, and devices. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.






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Late Night Linux – Episode 287


Unlocking the full potential of Nvidia graphics cards, hacking the otherwise bricked Spotify hardware device, Félim realised that his Borg backups could be significantly smaller, making wiring diagrams using text, silly terminal effects and colours, using a ThinkPad as a WiFi dongle, great lightweight distros for an ancient netbook, better Google searches, and more.




Hacking the Spotify Car Thing

borg compact

Terminal Text Effects















Check out the brand new Autonomous IT podcast. Listen in as a variety of experts in the IT Operations space discuss the latest Patch Tuesday releases, mitigation tips, and custom automations to help with CVE remediations. Listen now on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts.







See our contact page for ways to get in touch.

RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here

Linux After Dark – Episode 72


We are joined by Florian Beijers who is a full time screen reader user to talk about how the accessibility experience differs on various operating systems and Linux desktop environments, and what open source software devs could be doing better.


Florian’s links:


YouTube channel


IC_Null Twitch





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Extended Access Management: Secure every sign-in for every app on every device. Support the show and check it out at




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2.5 Admins 200: Even more free consulting


It’s our episode 200 free consulting special. Jim and Allan answer your questions about hard drive availability, USB-C robustness, ZFS performance on a VPS, cold storage with a 2.5″ form factor, how we gained our level of knowledge, disk enclosure issues, and monitoring Windows servers.








Tailscale is an easy to deploy, zero-config, no-fuss VPN that allows you to build simple networks across complex infrastructure. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.



Extended Access Management: Secure every sign-in for every app on every device. Support the show and check it out at








See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


Late Night Linux – Episode 286


New RISC-V and Arm Linux laptops are starting to pave the way for an exciting future, Mozilla makes another divisive acquisition, a couple of big anniversaries make us feel old, some quick KDE updates, and more.



World’s first RISC-V Laptop gets a massive upgrade and equips with Ubuntu

Canonical Announce First RISC-V Laptop Running Ubuntu

Video of a Banana Pi with the same SoC

Significantly slower than a Pi 4

TUXEDO on ARM is coming

The Two Year Journey Funded By Arm/Qualcomm For Improving ARM Linux Laptop Support

Arm says it wants all Snapdragon X Elite laptops destroyed

The Most Popular Linux News Over The Past 20 Years

Mozilla Welcomes Anonym: Privacy Preserving Digital Advertising

25 Years of Krita!

What should KDE focus on for the next 2 years? You can propose a goal!

KDE e.V. is looking for a contractor to coordinate the KDE Goals process

KDE Apps initiative








This episode is sponsored by Entroware. They are a UK-based company who sells computers with Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE preinstalled. They have configurable laptops, desktops and servers to suit a wide range of Linux users. Check them out and don’t forget to mention us at checkout if you buy one of their great machines.







See our contact page for ways to get in touch.

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Linux Dev Time – Episode 100


If you want to be a good developer, how many different programming languages should you learn? Maybe becoming an expert in one specific language is the way to go. Maybe it’s more a case of learning different concepts and paradigms than languages.






Extended Access Management: Secure every sign-in for every app on every device. Support the show and check it out at



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Hybrid Cloud Show – Episode 06


Google Cloud teaches us about eggs and baskets by losing a big customer’s data, and Microsoft’s carbon emissions are up significantly – probably because of AI. Plus compliance and best practices for hardening instances, web apps, and storage.



Google Cloud accidentally deletes UniSuper’s online account due to ‘unprecedented misconfiguration’

“Unprecedented” Google Cloud event wipes out customer account and its backups

Details of Google Cloud GCVE incident

Microsoft’s carbon emissions up nearly 30% thanks to AI

McKinsey report.

Costs to inference ChatGPT exceed the training costs on a weekly basis


Free Consulting

We were asked about compliance and best practices for hardening instances, web apps, and storage.


Send your questions and feedback to




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2.5 Admins 199: Rest In Parity


How to prepare for your loved ones to have the access they need if the worst unexpectedly happens, Joe’s weird issues with wireless access points, and dealing with email accounts that shouldn’t exist.



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After you die, your Steam games will be stuck in legal limbo

EAP225 AC1350 wireless access point


Free Consulting

We were asked about dealing with email accounts that shouldn’t exist.







Tailscale is an easy to deploy, zero-config, no-fuss VPN that allows you to build simple networks across complex infrastructure. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.



Extended Access Management: Secure every sign-in for every app on every device. Support the show and check it out at





See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


Ask The Hosts – Episode 13


Whether self-driving cars are the future, and the skills we would download into our brains (Matrix-style). With Amolith from Linux Dev Time, Gary from Linux After Dark, Andy from Linux Dev Time, Jim from 2.5 Admins, and Martin from Linux Matters.

Patrons got this this in their feed two weeks ago.