Podcast (all): Download (Duration: 38:10 — 26.3MB)
We find out what Ubuntu 19.10 is like on the Raspberry Pi 4, and then take it too far. Plus plenty of news, Graham channelling Vangelis, and something about KDE.
Site Kit is now available for all WordPress sites
The downside of Ubiquiti network gear
Linux Foundation introduces telemetry policy
Microsoft to offer Defender for Linux next year
Microsoft confirms new browser is coming to Linux
Ubuntu 19.10 on the Pi 4
Joe and Graham have been playing with Ubuntu on the Pi 4
Install Xubuntu 19.10 on a Raspberry Pi 4
Roadmap for Ubuntu official support for the Raspberry Pi 4
KDE Korner
Indian Newspaper Switches 100% FOSS
KItinary into the browser a la Google Now
And finally… Getting stuff fixed
Digital Ocean
This episode is sponsored by Digital Ocean. Go to do.co/lnl and get started with $50 of credit. Digital Ocean provides virtual private servers all over the world with full root access starting at $5 per month, and other great features like block storage and load balancers.
This episode is sponsored by Entroware. They are a UK-based company who sells computers with Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE preinstalled. They have configurable laptops, desktops and servers to suit a wide range of Linux users. Check them out and don’t forget to mention us at checkout if you buy one of their great machines.