Category: Linux Matters

Linux Matters 51: Moodling Myself Silly


In this episode:

  • Martin has created smiti18n (pronounced smitten) – A very complete internationalization library for Lua with LĂ–VE support 🌕💕
  • Mark has been hard at work Moodling himself silly on the run up to the Moodle 5.0 release
  • Alan has been wrangling with Django and has worries about contributing large patches to SavannahHQ


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Tailscale makes creating software-defined networks easy: securely connecting users, services, and devices. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.






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Linux Matters 50: Syfting Through a LĂ–VEly Rack


In this episode:


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If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.







Tailscale makes creating software-defined networks easy: securely connecting users, services, and devices. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.






RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here

Linux Matters 49: Mark Down in the Console Caves


In this episode:

  • Alan switches from self hosted markdown to self hosted mark down served from a docker container running CodiMD.
  • Mark puts on his robe and wizard’s hat, and ventures into the Caves of Qud.
  • Martin switches his console to KMSCON.


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If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.







Tailscale makes creating software-defined networks easy: securely connecting users, services, and devices. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.






RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here

Linux Matters 48: Algorithms, Actions, and GitHub Adventures


In this episode:

  • Martin runs GitHub Actions on his development workstations using act.
  • Alan likes to help people and has upped his people-helping skills by making little tools to solve their problems.
    • keyshield – A simple utility to protect your game inputs from GNOME keyboard shortcuts.
    • archive-vbulletin-thread – A Python script to archive threads from vBulletin-based forums.
  • Mark has been flexing his grey matter with challenging mathematical/computer programming problems at Project Euler.



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If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.







Tailscale makes creating software-defined networks easy: securely connecting users, services, and devices. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.






RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here

Linux Matters 47: Not a Bar or a Camp


In this episode:



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If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.







Tailscale makes creating software-defined networks easy: securely connecting users, services, and devices. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.






RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here

Linux Matters 46: Streaming your way to freedom


In this episode:



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If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.







Tailscale makes creating software-defined networks easy: securely connecting users, services, and devices. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.






RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here

Linux Matters 45: Working remotely on the Savannah


In this episode:



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If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.







Tailscale makes creating software-defined networks easy: securely connecting users, services, and devices. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.






RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here

Linux Matters 44: A textual rummage with Jason


In this episode:



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If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.







Tailscale makes creating software-defined networks easy: securely connecting users, services, and devices. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.



Extended Access Management: Secure every sign-in for every app on every device. Support the show and check it out at






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Linux Matters 43: Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub


OggCampIn this episode:

  • Alan uses vhs to make a short video
  • Mark uses MARP to build a presentation in MarkDown for a lightning talk at OggCamp
  • Martin uses pueue to manage all his mainframe jobs



You can send your feedback via or the Contact Form. If you’d like to hang out with other listeners and share your feedback with the community you can join:


If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.







Tailscale makes creating software-defined networks easy: securely connecting users, services, and devices. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.








RSS: Subscribe to the RSS feeds here

Linux Matters 42: Somewhere over the Keybow


In this episode:

  • Martin has been keeping setting up simple monitoring and observability on a new server with and gatus
  • Alan has been creating animated gifs of terminal sessions with t-rec.
  • Mark picked up a Keybow MINI from the swaps table at OggCamp.



You can send your feedback via or the Contact Form. If you’d like to hang out with other listeners and share your feedback with the community you can join:


If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.







Tailscale makes creating software-defined networks easy: securely connecting users, services, and devices. Go to and try Tailscale out for free for up to 100 devices and 3 users, with no credit card required.



Extended Access Management: Secure every sign-in for every app on every device. Support the show and check it out at






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