KDE are almost finished with X11, Purism make progress with their FOSS phone, Nextcloud video calling is here, a debate about CVE branding, and the state of accessibility in Linux.



KWin/X11 is feature frozen

Exciting GNOME news

Purism keep up their excellent PR

Nextcloud Talk

Major vulnerability hoax site



This episode of Late Night Linux is sponsored by Entroware. They are a UK-based company who sells computers with Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE preinstalled. They have configurable laptops, desktops and servers to suit a wide range of Linux users. Check them out and don’t forget to mention us at checkout if you buy one of their great machines.


Jonathan Nadeau

Ikey and Joe spoke to Jonathan Nadeau about the current state of accessibility in Linux and FOSS. He mentioned Sonar GNU/Linux and his podcast network. And KDE does indeed care about accessibility.



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